Tuesday 18 February 2020

Should You Go For Long Term Airport Parking? Is It Safe?

If you are a vehicle owner and you have to hit off Perth for business or travel, you’ve probably considered long term car parking in Perth airport. But, something deep down bothered you and you’ve hesitated – is it safe?

Yes! That’s a million dollar question.

Should you go for it? Or, do you need to consider alternative parking measures? There’s so much to answer and so little time. So, let’s start from the basics.

First and foremost, make sure your car is parked indoors irrespective of long term or short term airport parking. Parking indoors has its perks such as –
  •  Better surveillance system
  •  Your car would be safe from harsh weather elements
  • Chances of vandalism is rare
  • Nearer to the terminal

Now, although all of these comes at a bit steeper price, but make the investment.
Shake off the misery!

As you are considering long term car parking in Perth airport, sufficient surveillance is the key. It not only ensures that your vehicle is safe when you are several thousand away, but also lends a peace of mind.

Now even though you can rely on Perth airport’s security measure, but you cannot be too sure! So, the best way is to take a couple of precautions before heading out. Some of them include –
·         Put on steering wheel lock
·         Install in anti-theft device

Plus, remove all the valuables from your car. Don’t attempt to copy Hollywood and keep documents or cash in the glove box! In real life, carjacks have bigger brains that those of movies.
So, at the end of the day ask yourself once again –

“Should I go for long term car parking in Perth airport, then?”

The decision is yours to make. But, considering the expense involved in such parking measure as compared with the level of security it offers – it’s a GREAT deal nonetheless!


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